Savage Production Company - Savage Society and the N'lakapamux community will together create and present a 45 minute play including 5-7 original songs, rooted in history with present day application.
Dawn to Dawn - Establish indigenous presence and indigenization of space in design and programming at Gwax’ Dzi Dsas affordable housing project on traditional territory of K’omoks First Nation.
Kermode Friendship Centre - A collaborative project to design and paint a large mural on 4 exterior sides of Kermode’s main building in Terrace, BC.
The Frank Theatre Company - Mother Tongues is a collaboration between the Frank Theatre, community participants and MOSAIC, resulting in an interdisciplinary performance.
Comox Valley Art Gallery - Walk with Me investigates and re-frames the opioid crisis as it is played out in three small BC communities - Comox Valley, Kamloops and Campbell River.